Quick Overview

The projects you see in the mockup are just examples. We don't have any partnerships with them (not yet 😉).

Simplest UX is the key! We are following the simplicity and intuitiveness of use as guidelines for developing the Slophy app! Like is showed below the app will have only three sections: - the Home section for starting the timer, - the Reward section to claim your AllowList spot - the Profile section to manage your account and monitor your rewards.

Home section

As is shown above the home's core is a timer, simple! You just have to choose how long is your break. Once you set the timer then you have to click start and set aside your phone. Now enjoy this break or use it as you see fit.

Reward section

Here you can redeem your rewards, or rather your guaranteed AllowList spot.

How does it work?

Example: You have accumulated 20 unplugging hours. Your time balance will then show 20 hrs. There are two projects that require respectively 10 hours and 30 hours of disconnection to be unlocked. In the first case, the 10-hour project will see its progress bar at 100%, and in the second case, the progress bar will be at 66% (20/30). If we choose to redeem the first project prize, we will see that our time balance will be reduced by 10 hours, and the second project will see its progress bar go down to 33% (10 hours remaining / 30 hours required). If instead, we had accumulated 50 hours, we could have redeemed the rewards of both projects and remained with 10 hours in our time balance.

Profile section

This is the personal profile section. This section allows you to keep track of the projects spot you signed up for. Furthermore, it allows you to sign up with your social accounts which may be requested by creators, as requirements for signing up for their projects .

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